The total land surface area of Earth is about 57,308,738 square miles, of which about 33% is desert and about 24% is mountainous. Subtracting this uninhabitable 57% (32,665,981 mi2) from the total land area leaves 24,642,757 square miles or 15.77 billion acres (43%) of habitable land.
What percent of the world is habitable land? ›
Since about 30 % of Earth's surface is land, this means that the total area of land is 0.3 * 515 ≈ 155 million square km, about half of which is habitable for humans. With roughly 7 billion people alive today, we can conclude that there is 0.011 square km habitable land available per person.
How much of the earth is not habitable? ›
Only 30% is dry land. About half of that is reasonably habitable, see How much habitable land is there on earth per person? . Originally Answered: What percentage of earth's surface is habitable?
How many square miles of land are on Earth? ›
Earth's land covers 29.2%, or 149 million km2 (58 million sq mi) of Earth's surface.
What is the area of the earth per person? ›
Earths total surface area is 196.9 million miles. there are about 7 billion people. So 0.029 sq miles per person.
What is about 50% of habitable land the land that humans can live in? ›
Pasture and cropland occupy around 50 percent of the Earth's habitable land and provide habitat and food for a multitude of species.
Is the Earth 30% land? ›
There are over 510 million square kilometers of area on the surface of Earth, but less than 30% of this is covered by land. The rest is water, in the form of vast oceans.
How long before Earth becomes uninhabitable? ›
Earth will be inhabitable to life for one or maybe two billion years more. As before many species will get extinct due to natural climate change and probably also in short term due to anthropogenic (human activity) climate change.
What could wipe out humanity? ›
Natural and external extinction risks include high-fatality-rate pandemic, supervolcanic eruption, asteroid impact, nearby supernova or gamma-ray bursts, extreme solar flare, or alien invasion.
Will the world be habitable in 50 years? ›
The world in 50 years
If governments stick with their current policies, the remaining "carbon budget" will be wiped out by 2030. A third of the world's population could live in a climate similar to the Sahara in just 50 years, according to a study published in PNAS in 2020.
Yet the edge of space – or the point where we consider spacecraft and astronauts to have entered space, known as the Von Karman Line – is only 62 miles (100 kilometers) above sea level.
Is the Earth 100% land? ›
Land, also known as dry land, ground, or earth, is the solid terrestrial surface of Earth not submerged by the ocean or another body of water. It makes up 29.2% of Earth's surface and includes all continents and islands.
What is the real name of Earth? ›
The name "Earth" is an English derivation which came from the older Urth. And is only used by Anglophonic peoples. The Greeks called our planet Terra ( which is the name science uses to universally refer to our planet) and certain others call it Gaia. The French called our planet Monde, the Germans Erde.
How much space does 1 human need? ›
A common belief is that 200–400 square feet is necessary for each member living in a home. For a family of five, that range becomes 1,000–2,000. However, other sources recommend 600–700 square feet per person, with others going as high as 1,000 square feet per person.
How much space is needed for all humans? ›
For example, if everyone were given 0.9 square meters (m2), which is about the area of made by one arm span, the entire world's population would take up 6,300 km2 of space.
How much space would all 8 billion people take up? ›
Converting the 6.7 billion square metres to square miles means it would require roughly 2582.55 square miles to fit in 8 billion people. Finding the square root of 2582.55 reveals the length of the side of the square, which is just over 50.8 miles.
How much of the world is untouched by man? ›
Satellite imagery has previously estimated that 20-40% of the Earth's surface is still in relatively good condition and has not been affected by significant human activity. However, a recent study has found that the problem is much worse than previously thought.
Which country has the most habitable land in the world? ›
We can assume that the size of arable land is directly proportional to the habitable land for any specific topography. Going by this assumption United States has the largest habitable land in the world, followed by India and China.
How many habitable worlds have we found? ›
As of June 2021, a total of 59 potentially habitable exoplanets have been found. In August 2021, a new class of habitable planets, named ocean planets, which involves "hot, ocean-covered planets with hydrogen-rich atmospheres", has been reported.
What percent of us is habitable? ›
“The United States consists of 11,078,300 Census Blocks,” Freeman explained on his Tumblr. “Of them, 4,871,270 blocks totaling 4.61 million square kilometers were reported to have no population living inside them. Despite having a population of more than 310 million people, 47% of the USA remains unoccupied.”