Past Your Eyes - hidanizm (2024)

Chapter Text

Past Your Eyes - hidanizm (1)

Past Your Eyes - hidanizm (2)
Past Your Eyes - hidanizm (3) WARNING: Past Your Eyes - hidanizm (4)
Please make sure you have read the tags and understand the content of this fic. There will be explicit art throughout the work and this fic will have multiple chapters so take caution reading in public. Please enjoy!

The sound of clanging metal and heavy footsteps echoed through the forest as three men marched down a beaten path. The metallic sound which jingled every now and then was coming from the larger of the three: a bull beastman named Kakuzu. His wrists were shackled behind him with thick, heavy chains and a lock. His head was covered with a tattered, black hood with a cape attached to it which went down his back.

The only visible features that could be made out from Kakuzu were a pair of eerie scarlet-green eyes whenever he lifted his head. His fuzzy ears and stout horns, reminiscent of the animal he was based on, were also covered with just the tips of his horns poking out of small holes on both sides of the hood. He originally wore a black mask that covered his mouth, too. But he lost it. Kakuzu let out a huff as he thought back to how he got himself in this position.

The two men he was walking between were a pair of twin brothers: Meizu and Gozu. They were notorious hunters who captured and sold beastmen and beastwomen on the black market. Kakuzu was originally supposed to be meeting with an informant of his to collect money for some assassination work he did. However, it was a setup. He had been betrayed and ambushed by the brothers instead so that he could be captured and sold off.

Bull beastmen were rare and prized for their strength, stamina, and breeding potency. His kind were treated like livestock and enslaved for hard labor. With the best idea of a job for them being maybe a bodyguard. But usually, they weren’t offered any respect. As proven by the fact that Kakuzu had been set up - by someone he had trusted for many years - and then ambushed and drugged with a suppressant that swiped away his strength when he most needed it. By the time the drug was in his bloodstream, it was like a fast acting poison. Kakuzu had effectively already lost the fight. But he wasn’t going to give up. Right now, he was just biding his time. When his strength returned, he would break the shackles and kill them both.

One of the brothers, Meizu, kicked Kakuzu in the back. He grinned as he heard the man grunt and watched him stumble. “Come on, Kakuzu. You might be old, but I know you can put some more pep in your step!” He mocked.

“Brother, don’t irritate him too much, will you?” Gozu frowned. Not that he was sympathetic or cared about Kakuzu’s wellbeing, but rather that if the beastman got riled up again it would be a pain in the ass to calm him back down. The initial fight that they had before led to those tattered clothes, cuts, and scrapes on all of them. They weren’t just there naturally. However, before Gozu could berate his brother who completely ignored him and gave Kakuzu a second kick, something sinister suddenly sounded in the distance.


Meizu stopped his assault of Kakuzu and paused in his steps when he heard the howl. “Hey… just now, that-”

Gozu, too, had stopped to listen. “...wolves?” Then he frowned a bit. “No. Sounds like its just one.”

Despite that fact, Meizu still found himself feeling unsettled. “Brother, isn’t this that forest people used to talk about? You know, about the wolfman who was supposedly cursed.”

Gozu frowned. “Such a curse or legend doesn’t exist. And even if it were true, wolfmen are too stupid to attack anyone, not by themselves.”

“Yeah well, if you recall the legend, brother…” Meizu said as they continued walking. “They said he rose from the bloody puddles of slain men, reborn under the glow of the full moon with the power of an army, and to this day still haunts this particular forest. Not to mention, he-”

“Brother, you are too old to still believe in fairy ta-”


This time it was Kakuzu who took notice. That howl was even closer than the last one. Whether the two simpleton brothers wanted to believe it or not, something was prowling closer. And it might have just been a warning the first time. Because now, Kakuzu could just faintly make out the scent of blood on the wind.

“Come to think of it, Gozu… shouldn’t we have met up with that informant by now? He said that he would be waiting for us here." Meizu pondered as he paused in his steps. "But we haven’t- AGH!” A single scream from the brother suddenly echoed in the air.

“What?!” Gozu turned around with his weapon in hand. Kakuzu turned around as well. But neither saw what had attacked the brother whose body was now lying on the ground, motionless. “Meizu!” Gozu ran over to him and observed his wounds. There was a giant chunk taken out of the side of his neck where his carotid artery was. It was like something just bit him and yanked out his flesh. A giant puddle of blood was pooling under him. Whatever killed him, had done so swiftly and efficiently.

Seeing the sight and feeling both rage and fear well up within him, Gozu stood up and shouted, “Show yourself! You will pay for what you have done to my brother!” Right after that, Gozu heard footsteps. When he turned back around, he saw Kakuzu making a break for it. “No! I will not have lost both my brother and my bounty at the same time!” He said before giving chase.

Kakuzu continued to run, not daring to stop nor look back. It wasn’t the opening he was hoping for but it was still one he was granted. And he was going to make sure he took advantage of it. However, Gozu reached for his tattered cape flowing behind him and yanked it. With a gruff noise, Kakuzu just jerked himself free, which tore the hood and cape from his body. He heard Gozu tumble backwards, but he didn't stop. Kakuzu kept running before he made a sudden sharp turn off the beaten path. He leapt into the air and rolled down a small hillside. Once he was at the bottom of the hill, he hid himself within the dense foliage. Then he slowed his breathing and listened carefully.

He couldn’t hear Gozu anymore. Had he given up chase? Surely he would have been hot on Kakuzu’s tail after what just happened. But no. There was nothing. It was quiet. Too quiet. Kakuzu began to wonder if the wolf - or whatever had attacked them - caught the brother and made him meet the same fate as his twin. As much as Kakuzu wanted that to be the explanation, he wasn’t a fan of it either. In this huge forest, alone, he was still prey. And he was still shackled and his strength hadn’t come back yet. He was helpless. If he even so much as breathed wrong, anything else could capture him right now.

So Kakuzu continued to listen and wait. He waited as long as he needed to wait until nature itself alerted him of safety. Birds, crickets, the sound of the wind; it all started coming back. When it felt safe, Kakuzu finally got out of his hiding spot. He looked up and stared at the side of the cliff. He could make his way back up, but wanted to avoid actually using the trail again. It would be too easy to pick him off.

Kakuzu sighed. If he had to guess, Meizu and Gozu were most likely also set up. His now ex-informant was definitely aware of the dangers of this particular forest and had probably hoped that something would kill the brothers and then he would just take Kakuzu for himself. Well, it wasn’t going to happen either way.

Kakuzu again tried to snap the chains binding his wrists, but to no avail. And he was getting tired, too. His body felt languid and heavy, another side effect of the suppressant. It would wear off soon, but until then, he was still in just as much danger as he was before. He needed to hide somewhere safer. But just as he took the first step out of the foliage, he heard a loud snarl. Kakuzu spun around to face the direction of the threatening sound and backed himself up until he was against a tree, making sure that his most vulnerable spot was covered. But it didn’t matter because in the next moment, he saw a blur of silver and then choked out air as he felt a hard fist thrust into his stomach.

“sh*t-!” He wheezed before coughing and doubling over. His vision went white as he stared blankly at the dirt. ‘So fast…!’

"And what do we have here?" A playful voice sounded.

Once his vision refocused, Kakuzu could see a pair of bare feet with clawed toenails standing in front of him. Then his eyes scanned upward to a pair of legs dressed in tight, black leather pants with the most gaudy accessories adorning it Kakuzu had ever seen: a studded belt, small animal skulls, silver chains, etc. But what momentarily surprised him more was that of a silvery white tail swishing in the wind. Before Kakuzu could manage to bring his head back up to see their face, a hand with black, pointed fingernails reached for him.

Kakuzu was jerked by his jaw, forcing him to look at his new captor. A flash of white fangs poking from beneath pale lips with a splatter of blood and feral purple eyes were now within his view. When Kakuzu momentarily glanced down, he could see a shirtless torso with taut pecs and muscular abs. The person leaned forward and sniffed him. Then they grinned ear to ear.

Fresh meat.” They whispered before licking their lips.

Kakuzu managed to pull himself away from the guy. The hair on the back of his nape was standing up and he had half a mind to kick them. But after gaining his bearings, Kakuzu gave the person another once-over. Upon spotting a pair of silver ears atop a head of slicked gray hair combined with the other feral features, there was no mistaking it: it was a wolfman. A lone wolfman. Kakuzu winced when the male reached a hand out towards him and then yanked one of his horns.

“Hey, meat. Wanna tell me what the hell you and humans were doing in my forest?” He growled. When he didn’t get an immediate answer, he yanked Kakuzu by his horn again but harder. His ears perked up when he heard the sound of metal. He tilted his head and saw that Kakuzu’s hands were restrained. When he tried to reach for the chains, Kakuzu jerked himself away again. The wolfman growled and tugged his horn. "Keep still damn it-"

"Tch!" Having had enough of being man-handled, Kakuzu suddenly pulled his head back and then forward again to headbutt the wolfman right in the face.

f*ck!” The male stumbled back, holding his nose as he let out a yelp. When he saw Kakuzu once again try and make a break for it, he growled and shoved Kakuzu back against the tree with impressive strength. “I don’t f*cking think so!” He said, pinning him. The two beastmen then exchanged challenging looks at one another. Stark purple and green eyes glared at each other with intensity. Despite Kakuzu's size, the wolfman wasn't the least bit put off.

“I was going to let you go…” The wolfman started to speak, wiping blood from his nose with the back of his wrist. “After killing those three humans, I just wanted to see what kind of cargo they had that was so precious. That’s all.” He stated.

'Three?' Kakuzu repeated in his mind. Was he talking about his ex-informant that he was supposed to meet? Good to know that the bastard was dead, but Kakuzu would have preferred killing him with his own hands.

“But now that I know you’re another beastman who’s life I just essentially saved without a single goddamn show of gratitude, forget it.” The wolfman continued on with a snarl. “You’re going to owe me now.” He then leaned in closer and whispered, “Kakuzu.”

Kakuzu was taken by surprise at the utterance of his name. He leered at the wolfman who was now staring at him with devious hunger. Kakuzu again tried to summon his strength, but it was futile.

The wolfman smiled. “Truth is, I had been tailing you and those goons for a while.” He started to trail a pointed nail down Kakuzu's stomach. “I like to follow my prey. Chase after them. Make them feel helpless before I even decide to attack.”

“Get away, you filthy cur!” Kakuzu bellowed, bringing his leg up with the intent to kick the wolfman. But that's when the male suddenly shoved his knee in between Kakuzu's legs harshly. This made him flinch as he felt the joint make contact with his balls. The pain came as more of a surprise and it caused Kakuzu to not only wince, but rethink the position he was in. Hidan could have kicked him harder and he would have been on the ground right now. When the same finger that was tracing Kakuzu's stomach crept down to the hem of his pants, Kakuzu’s breath hitched and he looked at his captor with disgust.

“Oh, we’re already on a nickname basis?” The wolfman grinned, making light of the insult. “Well that's nice. But how about you just call me Hidan.” He said as he pushed his knee further up into the thick bulge situated between Kakuzu's legs.

“I said get the f*ck away from me!” Kakuzu snarled. He didn’t give a damn about names or formalities. He just wanted this wolf-breathed, perverted mongrel several miles away from him. Kakuzu's nostrils flared as he huffed and bared his teeth.

“That’s f*cking cute~” Hidan smirked. “Show me what else you can do.” He taunted. He let Kakuzu continue to struggle and stand his ground, continue to make aggressive noises and threaten him some more. But of course, none of it worked. For Hidan, it was like watching a mouse flail about helplessly under the paw of a predator. The only thing that made it unique was that Kakuzu was no mouse, but a bull. Something with far more fight than flight. However, was it just him or did this one seem a bit weak? Sure, Kakuzu seemed on the older side, but something was off.

It didn’t take long before Kakuzu's weakness started to show in his fruitless struggle. But he still held his disgruntled gaze on Hidan. He felt so frustrated and helpless. Two emotions that Kakuzu didn’t like having at the same time. His chest heaved with every breath and his shoulders were trembling with anger as he tried to hold back his inner rage.

Hidan again gave another ear-to-ear smile. He loved it when his prey was shaking before him, whether that be from fear or adrenaline. And he didn’t even have to do anything other than stand there. That’s what prey always did; squirm pathetically in hopes to escape. As Hidan looked over Kakuzu again, he took in all of his physical features: faded battle wounds on his arms, pointed white horns sharp enough to prick one’s finger on, curious scars along the side of his jaw, and silken brown hair with a nice sheen.

Someone this stubborn and bitchy honestly shouldn’t be crafted this damn perfect. Hidan couldn't help but spread his fingers across Kakuzu's stomach to feel the firmness of his abs. Then Hidan’s eyes focused on something else when Kakuzu exhaled. A beautiful, muscled chest was just asking to be set free from torn, tight fabric as his gaze followed the steady up and down rhythm from Kakuzu’s breath. Well why not? If Hidan was going to indulge himself in this meal, he deserved it.

Without saying another word, Hidan helped himself and reached out to raise the man's tattered shirt. Two huge, perky pecs slipped out. “...f*ck.” Hidan whispered, trying to conceal another growl. He'd never seen such an immaculate pair of tit* in his life.

Kakuzu was surprised at this sudden action. His eyes widened when Hidan brought his hands forward to grope him. He tried to shirk away. “No! Don’t touch-!”

But Hidan ignored him and clasped his hands over Kakuzu’s pecs. They were soft and supple with just a bit of muscular give to them. His fingers sunk into the hot, tender flesh like bread. Just the very feel and sensation of them alone was already doing something to Hidan’s senses. And to add the cherry on top, both of them were adorned with golden nipple rings. How could Hidan not appreciate such a gift? “You’ve got nice tit*, old man!” He exclaimed. “I can see why you were so valuable now. Look at this~” Hidan fondled Kakuzu's chest.

Mhh...” A soft moan escaped Kakuzu’s throat.

Hearing that, Hidan’s ears perked and he grinned with intrigue. “You like having your tit* played with?” He started to knead them more aggressively than before. Then he began flicking Kakuzu’s nipples with his fingertips. The buds perked up in no time as they responded to the stimuli. “You like that? Huh, old man?” Hidan laughed. “Bet you’re starting to feel real grateful now!” He said harshly before giving Kakuzu a sad*stically cruel squeeze.

“Let go- Nhh!” But Kakuzu’s plea was muffled out with yet another moan. Upon feeling Hidan's fingers sink into him, Kakuzu threw his head back against the tree as milk suddenly squirted from his chest. “Hah…” He panted roughly as the precious liquid trailed down his pecs and stomach. Not just that, but he was shaking, too. In his pants, his co*ck was leaking out a copious amount of precum which left behind a dark, wet stain.

Seeing what just happened, Hidan was left nearly speechless. “…no f*cking way.” As if he needed proof that what he just witnessed was real, he squeezed Kakuzu again. Once more did the man let out a moan as milk poured from his chest and trickled between Hidan’s fingers. The last little droplets were clinging onto the golden nipple rings as gravity made them settle at the bottom edges. There was only one thing Hidan could do after seeing that. He leaned down and brought his head forward.

In the next moment, all Kakuzu felt was a hot mouth clinging to one of his nipples. Then he felt a sharp, suckling motion follow quickly after. “f*ck!” He grunted. His body shivered as he felt Hidan nursing more milk out of him, stealing the precious nectar for himself. Kakuzu tried again to escape, but each time he moved, Hidan would squeeze his pecs harshly and make more milk squirt out of him. It was a mixture of sharp pain and soft pleasure. He could feel Hidan press his body weight into him more, refusing to release his chest and keeping his leg wedged between his thighs. He was trapped.

Past Your Eyes - hidanizm (5)

Hidan continued to suck, slurping up all the milk that came out and was graciously given to him. He squeezed on the pec he was drinking from, forcing more to flood into his mouth. Then he would do the same to the other one. By now, Kakuzu had become even more of a trembling mess before him. Hidan then played with the nipple ring with his tongue, flicking it remorselessly to make even more of those sexy sounds come from Kakuzu who was desperately trying to hold his voice back. Then, Hidan grabbed hold of the piercing with his teeth and pulled back on it.

“Mnn!” Kakuzu shuddered as he felt a wave of heat course through him. Before he knew it, he was shallowly riding Hidan's thigh as his head lolled to the side. Then he abruptly stopped and let out a shaky breath whilst quivering.

Hidan didn’t need to know what just happened. He felt it. He felt Kakuzu’s huge co*ck throb in his pants while stealing his milk. He had cum. And just from his chest alone. Hidan finally let go of Kakuzu’s nipple and stopped pulling the piercing. Then he licked his lips. “f*ckin’ delicious.” Everything that he just experienced, not just the milk. When Hidan finally moved his leg away, Kakuzu crumpled to the ground and panted. The sight of the man who just moments ago was trying to do everything in his power to fight was now reduced to a sniveling, shaking mess.

"Damn. No wonder you were so cranky." Hidan laughed. To tease Kakuzu even further, Hidan knelt down to his eye level and grabbed the sticky bulge in the man's pants. To his surprise, it was still hard and had yet to go any softer. He gave it small, light strokes through the fabric and watched as Kakuzu grit his teeth. “Hey, Kakuzu…” He said, voice dipping into a low and mischievous tone. “You wanna take my knot?”

Hearing that being asked, all Kakuzu could do was throw a look of shallow disgust Hidan’s way.

“Aw, come on. Don’t look like that.” He chided. “I bet you really need it. Someone to satisfy you. I can make you feel real good.” Hidan offered. His fluffy tail was wagging behind him.

Rather than answering, Kakuzu lowered his eyelids and brought his face closer to Hidan’s. For a moment it looked like he was going to submit, up until he moved back and then headbutted Hidan again.

“God f*cking damn it!Hidan snarled, clutching his forehead as he momentarily saw stars.

“Go to hell.” Kakuzu seethed.

“That’s how you wanna play? Fine!” Hidan stood up. He was through being nice. It was time to show this goddamn bull who was boss. He paid no mind to the aggravated look from Kakuzu as he reached for him and ripped away the remainder of Kakuzu's tattered shirt. After tossing it aside, Hidan then lowered the waistband of his leather pants and let his dick spring out. Then he took it and smacked it right on Kakuzu’s face with all the goddamn disrespect he could muster.

Kakuzu was in near disbelief at the action. He glanced up at Hidan repulsively.

Hidan grabbed Kakuzu’s horns and then yanked the man’s face closer to him. With his co*ck still situated on his face, Kakuzu growled at him but Hidan growled right back. “Open your mouth, old man.” When Kakuzu didn’t immediately comply, Hidan kicked him in the stomach.

The second Kakuzu reflexively opened his mouth from the assault was the same second he had Hidan's co*ck shoved into it. He nearly choked, not expecting the surprising amount of girth it had. Was the perverted f*cker already hard? Kakuzu supposed he didn’t need to ask himself that question. The ways Hidan had tormented and played with him prior should have been proof enough.

Hidan grinned at this. “Good.” He pressed his foot into Kakuzu's crotch, purposely teasing his already oversensitive co*ck which had already cum once. Hidan would have loved to see the sticky mess Kakuzu made in his pants and gotten a second taste of him, but that would just have to wait. “Come on, I know you’ve got some experience, old man.” Hidan said. “Show it to me.”

But Kakuzu just continued to hold Hidan in his mouth and gave him a look of defiance.

“You know, if you weren’t such a goddamn treat, I would have killed you by now.” Hidan uttered. “I could rend your flesh from your bones. That said, I only need your mouth and ass if I just want to get off.” He threatened, lips upturned into a crazed, sharp-toothed smile.

If it weren’t for the fact that Kakuzu had already witnessed firsthand the kind of carnage Hidan was able to commit, his words wouldn’t have been nearly threatening enough to change his stance. However, Kakuzu had no desire to be made even more immobile than he already was. On top of being a crazy pervert, Hidan was also a sad*st. The way he just beckoned and toyed with him; it was safe to say that Hidan wasn’t a liar either. Kakuzu groaned when he felt Hidan push his foot even harder into his dick.

There was no point in Kakuzu trying to fight, for now. If he just gave the bastard what he wanted, this would end quicker. With reluctance and remorse, Kakuzu untensed his shoulders and gave Hidan’s co*ck a tentative lick while it was still in his mouth. As his tongue sloshed over and under the head, he felt something brush against it. It was small and roughly the size of a bead. A piercing?

Hidan softly moaned. “There you go~” He praised. He even patted Kakuzu’s cheek just to piss him off. When Kakuzu again bared his teeth, Hidan growled. “I hope you do bite me!” He roughly yanked Kakuzu’s horns which made his co*ck slide into his throat. Hidan had to hold back another moan at just the feeling of it. It was hot and twitching around him. He clutched Kakuzu's horns harder as he delighted in the feeling.

Kakuzu continued to hold the male in his throat and tried not to make his discomfort too obvious. He was still surprised at Hidan’s modest size. He could feel tears welling up in the corners of his eyes as he reflexively swallowed around him. Kakuzu moved his tongue around, rubbing the underside to try and give some stimulation to make Hidan ease off. It must have worked because Hidan grinned and pulled his co*ck out.

Kakuzu coughed, but he was only allowed that small window of opportunity to take in a breath before Hidan pushed his co*ck back into his mouth. This time he wouldn’t allow Hidan to gag him again. He caught Hidan between his tongue and the roof of his mouth with force then gave him a hard suck.

“F-f*ck!” Hidan hissed. Tingles of pleasure went through him from that. But then he damn near felt his knees buckle when Kakuzu started to use his tongue again. He felt Kakuzu’s tongue lash over the head of his co*ck several times and then tease the slit with the tip. Precum was already dribbling from it and settling on Kakuzu’s taste buds. Hidan pushed his co*ck in a bit more and then started to slowly pull back.

Seeing that Hidan was working himself into a rhythm, Kakuzu followed it by wrapping his lips taut around the male and continued to use his tongue. When he wriggled it around the piercing, that’s when Hidan moaned and reacted the most. It was located under the glans right where his frenulum would be. Kakuzu kept attacking it with his tongue until he had Hidan panting and practically melting before him. Kakuzu felt like he took back some sense of control. He rigorously flicked his tongue all over the head and glans of Hidan’s co*ck and sucked on him hard when he gave shallow thrusts to increase his pleasure.

“Mnn, can’t wait to breed you.” Hidan muttered, eyes closed with a grin at the thought.

Upon hearing that, Kakuzu’s ears pinned back. He had no intention of bending over and letting Hidan do as he pleased. He was going to keep working him over the edge to the point where he wouldn’t even have the energy to do such a thing. And the timing couldn’t have been more perfect as Kakuzu started to feel the base of Hidan’s co*ck swell against his lips. His knot was beginning to form indicating the height of his pleasure was close. Good. Kakuzu started to work his mouth on him faster and moved his head to meet Hidan’s thrusts.

“sh*t-!” Hidan bent his back and let his forehead rest against the tree in front of him. He was getting into it now. He could feel his knot swelling even more. Sweat started to form and trail down his body as he moved his hips and kept thrusting into Kakuzu's face. His nails clawed into the tree bark.

And that’s when Kakuzu knew he had Hidan wrapped around his finger. Wolfmen didn’t have a lot of stamina; they usually finished quickly. Their bodies weren’t made for prolonged spouts of adrenaline. So when Hidan finally attempted to pull out, Kakuzu wouldn’t let him. He chased after him and brought his head forward, keeping his dick in his mouth and sucking him even harder.

"You f*cking bitch!" Hidan snarled. He felt his co*ck twitch in Kakuzu’s mouth. He grabbed Kakuzu’s horns again and instead of pulling back, he gave Kakuzu no escape as he suddenly thrust himself all the way into his mouth.

“...!!” Kakuzu’s eyes widened with surprise at the unexpected action. Because not only did Hidan push his co*ck into his mouth, he forced his knot past his lips too. Hidan’s co*ck was now in his throat and his knot was filling his mouth. He choked and drooled around Hidan with watery eyes.

Seeing him struggle, all Hidan could do was smile. “Swallow it since you wanted it so bad!”

Kakuzu groaned at this and clamped down on Hidan’s knot, which elicited a pleasured reaction from the male. His tongue was crushed beneath it, his teeth were situated both atop and below, and he had no choice but to swallow everything when Hidan finally came. “Hn..!” And holy f*ck was it a lot of cum. Kakuzu cast his eyes upwards to glare out of focus at Hidan as sem*n rushed into his esophagus and leaked from his nose. He was certain that more of it backflowed out of him than what he actually managed to swallow. Kakuzu tried to break away, but Hidan kept him pinned against his abdomen via his horns.

Past Your Eyes - hidanizm (6)

“Hah… damn." Hidan moaned. He bucked his hips a few times, making more cum gush into Kakuzu's throat. "That’s a good look for you, old man. How’s my cum taste? You like my knot, too? Huh?” He humorously questioned, still keeping Kakuzu’s mouth pressed against him. He was panting, hands shaking as they kept hold of Kakuzu’s horns. When he felt him swallow, he licked his lips. “I think I’m gonna stay in your mouth. Make sure you really savor my taste, ok?”

Kakuzu gagged around him, practically pleading with Hidan through his eyes to give him air as he choked on his co*ck and cum.

That touch of sadism continued to flow through Hidan as he watched the man struggle beneath him. The little noises he made sent sensitive tingles through his body as it along with the tight heat of Kakuzu’s throat reverberated around his co*ck. “You know, Kakuzu, I still haven’t gotten that thank you. Maybe now’s a good time for it.” He said.

Kakuzu frowned. Just because he’d been reduced to a co*ck sleeve for the moment didn’t mean that he was going to let go of his pride. He could endure. All he had to do was wait for Hidan to go soft again. And then maybe he’d bite him for real. So he waited. And waited. Scarlet-green and purple eyes continued to exchange looks between each other as the time passed. Then, Hidan’s voice broke the silence.

“This can go on as long as it needs to. I’ve got all the time in the f*ckin’ world.” Hidan tittered. “My dick’s going to be in your throat til you’re ready to give me that thanks.” An almost evil look appeared on Hidan’s face as he showed his fangs.

Something was definitely up. Kakuzu didn’t know why, but he suddenly felt cold. He sensed an ominous amount of energy coming from Hidan. He then briefly thought back to the story the brothers were talking about. It couldn’t be that…? No. He refused to believe such fairytales himself. But the more he stayed still, the more unsettled he felt. Even though his knot was starting to deflate, Hidan’s co*ck wasn’t getting soft. Was he actually getting off on this? Making him just sit there and wait?

The contemplations running through his mind must have been showing on Kakuzu’s face, because he got another smug look from Hidan which surely answered his question. This was just a game to him. And Kakuzu didn’t have the patience to keep playing with this mutt. His mouth and throat were starting to get sore and goddamn it he really needed to get Hidan’s scent out of his nose. It was driving him crazy. After another minute, Kakuzu finally relented.

Kakuzu looked up at Hidan with a defeated huff. “…mn.”

Hidan’s ears flickered. “What was that? Didn’t hear ya.”

“Mn… th..nk.. y..ou…” Kakuzu mumbled through his mouth. He tried to ignore the small bit of cum that dripped down the side of his jaw.

Hidan smiled and finally pulled his co*ck out of his mouth. “See? That’s all ya had to do, old man.”

Kakuzu coughed on the fresh air he was finally allowed to breathe in. He swallowed a couple of times, grimacing at Hidan’s taste. He wished his arms were free so that he could wipe his mouth. He tried to pull at the chains once more; still no good. While he was distracted on getting his bearings again, Hidan suddenly knelt down and grabbed hold of his waist.

“What are you-?!” Kakuzu tried to question him, but he immediately got his answer when he saw Hidan smirk and then yank down his pants. Kakuzu grunted and started to struggle again. “Let go of me! I’ve done what you wanted, mutt!”

“Nah. See, I like playing with my food. And it’s been a long time since I got a meal this good. And I’m not letting it go to waste!” Hidan said, snatching off Kakuzu’s pants the rest of the way. When Kakuzu's dick shamelessly stood up, hard and erect, he became enraged and kicked Hidan in the face with all the strength he could muster. After taking the hit with a growl, Hidan grabbed Kakuzu's leg and dragged him away from the tree. Then he pounced on Kakuzu and pinned him down to the ground by his shoulders.

“Damn you!” Kakuzu bellowed. He hated this. Hated being so weak and pathetic and unable to do anything. No one had ever pinned him before, not even the twin brothers when they captured him. He felt like he was being forced to submit. He flinched when he felt Hidan suddenly grab his co*ck.

"This is a damn huge co*ck you've got, old man.” Hidan’s hand was barely able to wrap around it. “How many loads can you shoot?" He started jerking off the head of Kakuzu's co*ck, making his foreskin go over the top and squeezing each time he stroked downward.

“St-stop!” Kakuzu demanded as he felt a surge of heat and pleasure go through him. It didn’t take long before his co*ck started to dribble precum again. The head became slippery and shiny as Hidan continued to stroke it. Kakuzu clenched his teeth, unable to escape the feeling. Lewd sounds were coming from Hidan’s hand as he kept slicking the length with more precum. Kakuzu's huge chest heaved with bated breaths as he was powerless to stop Hidan. Before he knew it, the large veins in his co*ck were forming along the sides and his balls were tensing. He started panting as he stared down, anticipating his load to shoot any moment.

Hidan grinned as he watched Kakuzu slowly give in. With a co*ck this massive, Hidan wouldn't be surprised if it saw little use. It made him take pity on Kakuzu. Clearly Kakuzu hadn't been tended to in a long time. His chest was so full of milk and his co*ck was so full of cum. Was he neglecting himself, too? He seemed pretty damn sensitive to every little touch. Well, that was ok. Because Hidan had every intention of milking him dry. He leaned down and started to lick and flick his tongue over one of Kakuzu's nipples.

"Nn... s... stop..." Kakuzu's voice slipped out in a quiet, already breathless tone. He couldn't control the pleasure he was feeling. Hidan's hand kept stroking him but this time stayed nearer to his glans to heighten his arousal. And his tongue was so hot and teased him just right as it swirled around his areola. When Hidan started playing with the nipple ring, he arched his back without even realizing it. Kakuzu smacked his tail on the ground in agitation. Milk was dribbling out and Hidan wasted no time lapping it up. When Hidan started to suck on him again, that's when Kakuzu felt it. That one single spark that flickered through him like static electricity.

Seeing the change in his body language, Hidan stood on his knees and then took hold of Kakuzu's co*ck with both of his hands. "Cum, old man." He encouraged. He wrapped his fingers around his length and pressed into it with his thumbs. Then he started pumping him quickly. The precum gave him added momentum. His hands glided up and down Kakuzu's thick co*ck from base to glans. Even more precum was spilling out and onto his fingers. It was amazing how sopping wet he was right now. Hidan watched as Kakuzu's green pupils turned upwards before he shut his eyes entirely. His back arched and his hips trembled as he came.

Kakuzu's org*sm washed over him so quickly and so strongly that his mind was blank. All he felt was thick ropes of cum splashing across his torso and stomach. His hips and thighs were quivering. And even then, Hidan's hands didn't stop. He expertly stroked his co*ck and then squeezed hard on the tip to keep making Kakuzu feel it. More blobs of cum oozed out of him, more sensations coursed through him, until he was finally resting back against the ground and twitching. "Hah..." His breath was shaky and labored.

'Jashin, that's a lot of cum.' Hidan thought to himself, looking at all of it practically painting Kakuzu's dark skin white. He finally stopped stroking Kakuzu and then brought his hand down to scoop up some of the cum with his fingers. It was sticky and warm, and smelled musky. Hidan took a single lick of it from his fingers. f*ck, Kakuzu really did taste good. He was going to be the most delicious meal Hidan had indulged in a long time.

Impatiently, Hidan brought his cum covered fingers down to his own co*ck and stroked himself. He covered his whole length with Kakuzu's cum until it was nice and slick all over. Sure, he could have used it to give the old man some prep, but where would be the fun in that? Besides, Kakuzu looked like he still had some fight in him. And Hidan wasn't finished tearing it all away. He was going to f*ck him raw, hard, and senseless. Hidan spread Kakuzu's thighs open, taking advantage of the man's post-org*sm, delirious state. Then he grabbed hold of the base of his co*ck and began to forcefully push himself inside of Kakuzu's ass.

Kakuzu groaned at the feeling of Hidan's co*ck forcing its way inside of him. Little by little, he was being stretched open. "St-stop..." He tried to protest again, but it was a weak and pathetic attempt. He squirmed a bit, trying to escape the intrusion with his hips. But Hidan grabbed hold of one of his thighs and stilled him. Before Kakuzu could say or do more, Hidan thrust himself the rest of the way in. "sh*t! Y-you damn cur!" He swore, shaking from the stinging pain of being entered.

Hidan, however, was relishing the feeling of being inside Kakuzu. "So damn tight..." He muttered. He wondered if Kakuzu had ever been f*cked before. His co*ck felt like it was being surrounded by a well of heat that he never wanted to pull away from. Seriously, Kakuzu felt amazing and Hidan hadn't even moved yet. He wasn't deaf to the insult Kakuzu called him though. But all it did was amuse him further. "Yeah, keep up that attitude. That's what I want." He said. He clawed into Kakuzu's thighs, pulled his hips back, and then thrust inside again.

Kakuzu gasped, shutting his eyes and tossing his head to the side. His fingers curled in on themselves, digging into the skin of his own palms. But it didn't stop there. Hidan did it again, and again. He kept drawing back and slamming himself into Kakuzu, f*cking his hole open until it accepted him. He swore under his breath and tried to shut his eyes to what was happening. He wished he could say that it hurt. But no. Almost every time Hidan thrust into him, he rutted into his prostate. Pleasure was being forced through Kakuzu whether he liked it or not. His co*ck was oozing precum again. He quickly realized that Hidan had every intention of making him lose his mind. He knew how to taunt, how to play with one's body, and how to f*ck. And Kakuzu refused to look him in the eye to give the f*cker the satisfaction that what he felt was so damn good. He hated it. Why was his body betraying him and why did it have to be now?

"Mn, you feel good, old man! f*ck! Go ahead and struggle some more! Keep squeezing me!" Hidan taunted. Hidan then abandoned his teasing rhythm of thrusting slow and hard into Kakuzu, and finally picked up his pace into a quick, skin-slapping motion. Almost immediately he felt Kakuzu clench around him, squeezing his dick. "Holy sh*t!" He moaned. It was enough to make Hidan close his eyes and have his jaw hanging. How did the man feel so incredible? They'd only just started. He kept hold of Kakuzu's thighs and kept rutting into him, not stopping for a single second as he shifted his body and began to slam his hips harder into him.

Kakuzu continued to react to Hidan's assault. Now that he was moving faster, even more ecstasy and adrenaline was flowing through him. He couldn't stop the flustered look on his face as he laid there on the ground, legs spread open and in the air while he got plowed by Hidan. Never did he imagine such a thing would happen to him. And especially by a goddamn wolfman. And it frustrated Kakuzu as much as it pleasured him. He could feel Hidan's knot - swollen with renewed vigor - bumping against his ass every time he was thrust into. Was it him, or did it seem slightly bigger? That might be a problem because if it wasn't even at full mast in his mouth, then it must be goddamn huge. He didn’t know if the whole thing would actually go in, but he was certain Hidan would find a way.

Kakuzu started panting. His pink tongue was visible and there was drool spilling down the side of his chin. He was sure he looked pathetic. But then Hidan suddenly pulled his co*ck out, which made Kakuzu open his eyes. But the surprise only lasted a second before Hidan slammed himself back in hard.

"f*ck! f*ck!" Kakuzu moaned loudly and hotly, unable to contain his voice. Without even realizing it, he had cum again. A few hot spurts of sem*n shot of his co*ck and settled on his stacked abs. The white fluid trailed through the muscles like a maze. And even after he had finished cumming, his thick co*ck was still throbbing, still reacting to the stimuli as Hidan kept f*cking him through org*sm.

“Yeah, keep screaming like that. I want the whole f*ckin' forest to hear me breeding you.” Hidan smirked. When he looked down and saw Kakuzu's fat tit* bouncing in rhythm to his thrusts, he leaned down and latched onto one of his nipples again. He sucked on it hard and pressed his tongue into the bud. Then he sunk his fangs into him as he bit into the tender flesh.

"D-don't bite-!" Kakuzu grumbled. But his plea went ignored as Hidan bit him again. Teeth marks and blood were left behind as his swollen nipple leaked out milk. He watched as Hidan grazed his tongue over it, lapping up the milk and licking the blood in the process. Then he moved on to another spot on Kakuzu's chest and did the same thing. He continued to bite and mark and suck. Even when Kakuzu's nipples were tapping on empty, Hidan just kept going. Then he started to massage Kakuzu's other pec with his hand, squeezing and kneading it to the point where even small squeezes caused milk to spurt out. "Hah... H-Hidan..." Kakuzu moaned. If he had heard what he said just now in a clearer mind, he would have been ashamed of himself. Instead all he did was glare at the male on top of him.

Past Your Eyes - hidanizm (7)

Hidan's tail wagged upon hearing his name. He continued to slurp up Kakuzu's milk. Then his hand trailed down Kakuzu's muscular stomach. He traced the outlines of his abs with his fingernails. He grabbed hold of Kakuzu's co*ck again and started to stroke it once more. Kakuzu shifted beneath him; he was still sensitive from cumming prior. But Hidan didn't care. He wrapped his hand around the head and gave his co*ck slow, shallow pumps. While doing that, he pushed his mouth into Kakuzu's nipple harder and continued to suck.

Kakuzu shivered at the feeling of having both of his most sensitive erogenous zones stimulated at the same time. He tried to resist, but he was losing his breath. When Hidan squeezed his co*ck harder and then bit him, Kakuzu clenched his teeth and shuddered. He had a dry org*sm before he could even anticipate it. Kakuzu tiredly exhaled, head falling back against the ground. He felt so sensitive now and overwhelmed by everything that was happening. Even when Hidan switched to his other nipple, it was still too much. Hidan was really draining him. He regretted not tending to himself before stepping into the forest. But there was some perverted feeling in his head that was also telling him to just enjoy it. And he hated it.

"slu*tty old man." Hidan chided. He finally stopped pleasuring Kakuzu's chest and looked at the man with milk on his lips. After licking them clean, Hidan stood back up on his knees. He grabbed Kakuzu's waist and turned him over onto his stomach without warning. Then he positioned Kakuzu's ass in the air. With one hand, he shoved Kakuzu's face into the ground. Ignoring the disgruntled noise from the man, Hidan spread one of Kakuzu's cheeks apart with his other hand. Then he reinserted himself and pushed in slowly as he let his co*ck sink back into Kakuzu's ass.

Kakuzu, face in the dirt and ass reared high in the most provocative pose, shuddered at the feeling of Hidan's dick sliding into him again. When he felt Hidan's pointed nails dig into his skin, the stinging sensation melted into the heat of his body. Then when Hidan pulled his hips back and thrust in, he couldn't stop another moan from escaping his throat. In this position, Kakuzu could feel Hidan striking him deeper within and rubbing his prostate just right. Without even realizing it, Kakuzu's ass was moving as he made small motions to try to match Hidan's pace. Eventually Hidan sped up, and Kakuzu conceded as he was assaulted for the umpteenth time with pleasure.

"Beg for it." Hidan growled as he kept f*cking the man. But Kakuzu grit his teeth and remained silent. That's when Hidan struck his ass with a hard slap, then clawed into it. "I said f*cking beg for it!"

"Ngh! Kn-knot me!"

"Louder." Hidan demanded, striking his ass again.

"f*ck! Knot me!" Kakuzu shouted. He glared at Hidan over his shoulder with bated breath. He could feel Hidan's nails digging into the skin of his face.

Hidan grinned. He stopped spanking Kakuzu and grabbed his waist. Then he started to ruthlessly f*ck him, without stopping, with nothing other than the desire to breed and fill Kakuzu with his seed. Kakuzu's mouth was hanging open as he drooled. He was lost in it all, and finally let himself succumb to Hidan's assault. Even his voice was starting to sound more enticing. Everything about him was such a massive turn-on to Hidan. So when he finally felt his own climax drawing near, Hidan bent down and uttered, "You're f*cking mine." He thrust his hips hard into Kakuzu with another snarl until he felt his co*ck throb. In the next instance, he was cumming. He spread Kakuzu open and finally forced his knot into his ass. He closed his eyes and moaned when his knot slipped into him and continued to pump the man full of cum. Then he bit into the back of Kakuzu's neck.

Kakuzu groaned as he felt the rim of his anus stretch as it was pried open by Hidan's huge knot. "f*ck..." Hot cum was filling him up, pouring deep into him and coating his inner walls. Small tears pricked at Kakuzu's lashes as he felt Hidan's fangs burrow into his neck. Kakuzu ended up cumming again as his co*ck throbbed and shot another load onto the ground beneath him. He quivered and squeezed around Hidan. He could feel cum start to leak from his ass and drip down his heavy balls. If he were female, he'd be pregnant right now.

“sh*t, so goddamn tight.” Hidan moaned. He clawed into Kakuzu’s hips. His swollen knot was being almost painfully milked as Kakuzu clamped down around him. Even after his ejacul*tion was complete, Hidan's co*ck and body continued to be assaulted by pulses of pleasure. When the feeling finally subsided, Hidan exhaled loudly as if he had been holding his breath. There was sweat drenching his body as a shudder rolled down his spine all the way to the tip of his tail. Then he wrapped his arms around Kakuzu and they both fell to the ground. Hidan just held the man until he felt his co*ck slowly start to deflate.

“You still with me, old man?” Hidan asked. When he got no response, he looked at Kakuzu who seemed to be lost in his own euphoric state.

“Inside… f*ck… hot…” Kakuzu babbled. His stoic breath was shaky and uncertain. When he squeezed Hidan's knot again and trembled, Hidan swore.

“Sh-sh*t, you really like getting bred, huh?” Hidan laughed. “I think I’ll keep you for a while.”

~:. 𓄀 .:~

Everything was dark after that. There was nothing other than this weird, slightly blissful and floaty feeling clouding Kakuzu's subconsciousness. And he internally groaned because he knew that feeling all too well. How many times did he cum again? He didn't want to think about it or the evening he had with Hidan. As Kakuzu slowly started to rouse from the heaviest slumber he'd had in ages, all of his body's senses came reeling back to him. He winced when he felt a stinging sensation from his lower back. And his chest, despite the abuse it went through, felt tingly. Especially his nipples. He groaned as he slowly sat up and brought a hand to his head. Somehow, he was still alive. Which meant that he was dreaming and didn't know it, or that Hidan was actually an idiot for just letting him go. Either way, he let out a huff. And then he realized something.

Kakuzu's eyes widened and he looked at his hand. 'What?' Then he brought up his other hand. The chains were gone. He even turned them over to make sure it wasn't some kind of complicated trick. But no. His arms really had been freed. Kakuzu then looked down at himself. He was wearing his dark green cargo pants and a tight black tank top instead of his old black shirt. The fabric of the tank top itched a little as it brushed against his sensitive nipples. He couldn't say that he was a fan. But with all this said, what the f*ck happened?How did he go from being f*cked unconscious to waking up in... actually, wherewas he right now? Kakuzu finally took a moment to gather his surroundings.

There were dirt and rock walls with soft, green moss carpeting the floor. Ivy and thick roots were growing from the walls themselves in certain spots, and there were glowing mushrooms growing out of the cracks and corners. There was a bookshelf filled with a collection of dingy, dusty literature that Kakuzu didn't care to examine beyond that. There was also a fireplace, two wooden doors on opposite sides of the room, and rotting food haphazardly littered around a wooden waste bin. And Kakuzu didn't know exactly what was cooking inside the large, black pot hovering above the crackling fireplace on a stick, but he got a bad vibe from it.

To the left of the fireplace was a shelf where there were handmade bowls, utensils, and other kitchen goods scattered across it. Running parallel to the wall beside the shelf was a counter with knives on it, more than likely used for food prep. Finally, jars of glowing will-o-wisps were hanging from the ceiling to keep the space perfectly lit. They flickered every now and then, giving the illusion as if they were going from one jar to the next. From what Kakuzu could tell so far, this was underground. And this was clearly someone's home. It was small, but it seemed roomy enough to house at least one person.

' person.' Kakuzu repeated in his mind. He didn't like the sound of that. If this was truly someone's home, and it did only belong to a single occupant, then did that mean Hidan lived here? Kakuzu shook his head and sighed. And that's when he was alerted to a peculiar sound. "What?" He looked down and he felt something snug against his neck. But he couldn't really see what it was. He turned his head and brought his hand up to feel beneath his chin. When he touched the foreign thing, it was cool, metallic and attached to a leather choker with a loop. It also made a jingling noise. That's when rage filled Kakuzu. It was a goddamn cow bell!

'You cur! I'm not your property!' Kakuzu grabbed hold of the bell and tried to yank it off, but then he felt something akin to a magical, electric shock sting his hand. He hissed in pain. "Damn it!" The f*cking thing must have been charmed. Kakuzu couldn't take it off. Hidan had some nerve doing this to him! And speaking of such a thing, where was the vermin? Kakuzu glanced around the enclosed space again. Hidan wasn't anywhere in sight and Kakuzu couldn't smell his scent. Actually, the only thing he smelled was that of incense. But where was it coming from?

Kakuzu finally got out of the soft, surprisingly comfortable bed which he figured was stuffed with feather down and stood up. His joints cracked and his muscles ached. He was finally coming down from the effects of the suppressant and his normal strength was returning. He only wished he knew what time of the day it was. As he took a step forward, he got another strong whiff of the incense. It had an earthy scent to it, something like citrus with a touch of mint. He followed the soft trails of smoke in the air with his eyes until they were looking at one of the wooden doors in the room. Unable to hold off his curiosity, he reached for the wooden knob on the door and opened it.

Behind the door was a very small closet with a homemade altar. A jar of incense was burning on the altar, along with some sage and witch-hazel, and the entire closet was decorated with bones and skulls dangling from vines. Human bones and skulls. Kakuzu got another sense of unease, and he didn't know why. But the most peculiar thing that stood out among this morbid shrine, was that of a strange glyph drawn in blood on the wall. It was a circle with an upside-down triangle in the middle of it. Kakuzu tried to think if he had ever seen such a glyph before, but his mind was drawing a blank. Regardless, this entire thing was not doing anything to help his already uncertain and irritated state and he needed to stop sight-seeing and get the hell out of there!

Kakuzu didn't need to tell himself that twice as he walked away from the ominous shrine and headed for the other door on the opposite side of the space. Luckily, this door did not have some kind of f*cked up, sacrificial, or religious assortment behind it. Instead, there was a simple moss and dirt staircase that ascended up into darkness. Kakuzu sighed. This had better be the way out or he'd ensure that his captor had nothing left to come back home to.

Deciding not to idle anymore, Kakuzu began to climb up the stairs. The tuft of fur on his tail flicked behind him as his fingers brushed against the dirt walls on either side of him. Thankfully, the staircase wasn't that long. When Kakuzu finally reached the top, there was a wooden door with a latch on it. It looked like a cellar door or a hatch. He undid the latch and then pushed the door open.

When Kakuzu peeked his head out of the cellar-like door, he was blinded by light coming from the forest. He cast his hand over his eyes, trying to block out some of the sunlight as he continued to walk up the steps until he was finally standing on the ground again. He was inside of an old, hollowed out tree that was serving as a hiding spot for the entryway to the enclosed space he was just in. Pretty clever he had to admit. Kakuzu bent down so as not to bump his horns against the top of the tree and then took a step out. There were ferns in the way which he crushed beneath his feet. They must have been enchanted, because after he was finally away from the tree, they moved right back into the original position they were in, camouflaging the door.

While it appeared that this particular forest was magical and filled with all kinds of distinct wildlife, Kakuzu had a hard time believing that Hidan could use any kind of magic at all. Sure, beastmen were in tune with nature and could harness it to some extent, but there was just something off about everything he'd seen so far. And Kakuzu couldn't put his finger on why. Kakuzu himself wasn't a magic user. He saw little use or interest in it outside of medical purposes. And most magic was considered taboo. Humans for example detested magic and feared it. Though truthfully, it was only because they themselves couldn't harness it and forbid other humans and beastmen from practicing it. That said, the use of magic wasn't totally obsolete. It was just rare now. Few beastmen still mingled with it. But from what Kakuzu saw in the den he just escaped from, along with the bell around his neck, that was no ordinary magic.

'What kind of tricks do you have up your sleeve, mutt?' Kakuzu wondered, not really wanting the answer. As a matter of fact, Hidan shouldn't even be on his mind right now. Wasn't he free? His restraints were gone, the suppressant's effects finally wore off, and there was literally nothing stopping him from making a grand escape right now. But it was because it was so easy that Kakuzu felt on edge. There was no doubt that Hidan was probably nearby, most likely patrolling his territory. Which meant that Kakuzu's window of escape was small. He needed to get out of here, and quick. Even if Hidan caught up to him, he could beat him to a bloody pulp. Kakuzu flexed his arm a few times then nodded. He didn't feel weak anymore. Anything would regret messing with him if they tried. He closed his eyes and then exhaled. Once he amped himself up and regained his composure, he opened his eyes and then made haste out of the forest.

Kakuzu knew better than to run right away. If Hidan or a predator were nearby, they could easily lock in on his location. So he carefully navigated through the forest. He didn't know exactly where he was, as he had never explored this particular forest himself and had only stuck to the marked pathway, but he followed the scents left behind by other wildlife. Wild creatures liked to stalk pathways for an easy meal or to collects nuts and seeds in the soft dirt. As long as he kept following their scent, he could find his way out easily. But just when he thought he was making headway, his ears flickered. He heard something. Kakuzu clutched the cowbell around his neck so that it wouldn't jingle when he ducked into cover.


The single sound of a footstep alerted itself. There was no doubt about it. Something was stalking him. He wondered what he should do. Wait it out or make a run for it. He wanted to keep his energy conserved and didn't want to fight unless he had to. With irritation, he chose to remain hidden. A soft breeze blew through his hair, and he tried to take small breaths. Everything seemed like it was fine-


Kakuzu's eyes widened and he swiftly turned around. He got into a fighting stance as Hidan stood up from behind the thick foliage. His sharp fangs showed as he smiled and took a step forward.

"Enjoy your walk?" Hidan questioned. "You weren't planning to run off, were you?"

"Come near me and you won't be the one who's able to walk or run." Kakuzu threatened.

Hidan snorted. "That's real cute, old man. Suddenly sounding so serious after I had you shaking your ass like a bitch yesterday."

Kakuzu's scowl deepened and he growled. Without hesitation, he lunged forward and threw a punch at Hidan. However, Hidan was quick to dodge it and quickly threw a punch back at Kakuzu. "Nhh!" Kakuzu took the hit to his jaw and grunted. The mutt was pretty fast, he'll give him that. But he was nothing Kakuzu couldn't handle. He went for Hidan again and this time, faked him out with a mock punch before he swung with his left fist and uppercut Hidan's jaw.

"Grr!" Hidan stumbled back, rubbing his chin. That was a powerful hit, and one he'd preferably not want to endure again. But he didn't have a choice when Kakuzu kept going, landing a second punch to his chest. Hidan took the hit and coughed. "Best you've got? Harder." He taunted.

Kakuzu felt his rage swell. This mongrel was really testing his patience. He continued to throw more hits, landing a couple but then having his other attempts blocked. Hidan just kept grinning and taunting him as he backed up. Even as his pale white skin became marred with blood and bruises, he still wouldn't let up. 'Just what the f*ck is he?!' No one was able to take so many hits from him and still have the audacity to stand. Let alone be so nimble, too. Having had enough, Kakuzu landed a final hit to Hidan's stomach and then headbutted him hard when he hunched over.

Hidan went tumbling backwards. He clutched his head and growled. "How hard is your goddamn skull?! f*ck!"

Kakuzu stomped on the ground as he eyed Hidan. Now was his chance to escape while he was still dazed. So he turned on his heel and started to run. But just then, the cowbell around his neck rattled and suddenly black and red sparks of magic shocked his entire body. Kakuzu's eyes went wide as he dropped to his knees and continued to be zapped by the magic. 'What.. is... this?!' Kakuzu kept being electrocuted until he was nearly frothing at the mouth. When it finally stopped, he fell forward on his hands and stared blearily at the ground.

"You didn't think it would be that easy did you?" Hidan said as he walked up behind Kakuzu and grabbed him by his long hair. He yanked Kakuzu's head back and made him look him in the face. "Have to admit, you put up a way better fight than you did yesterday. In fact..." Hidan whispered, "It was f*cking hot."

Kakuzu sneered at Hidan, obviously not appreciating the compliment. He winced at his hair being pulled. He really wished that the hood he normally wore hadn't been lost when he was escaping from Meizu and Gozu. But it couldn't be helped now.

Upon seeing the face Kakuzu was making at him, Hidan let go of his hair and kicked him in the back. Then he climbed on top of Kakuzu and pinned one of his arms behind his back. He took great joy watching Kakuzu try to struggle and break free again. But Hidan held him down with relative ease thanks to the bell. “You know, old man, maybe I should teach you a lesson. Show you who you belong to now.” Hidan said, trailing his finger down Kakuzu's spine and then curling it under the hem of his pants.

"Let go- ngh!" Kakuzu's words were cut short when Hidan yanked his tail. Sharp pain shot through his spine. Kakuzu desperately wanted to escape this situation. Hell, he wanted to escape this entire goddamn forest. He needed to turn this situation around and get an advantage again. If he couldn't use strength, then he'd have to use his words. Negotiation was definitely off the table. Since Hidan was a forest dweller, he probably had no use for money. So Kakuzu would need to take a harsher approach. At the very least, it would turn Hidan off of him. "Is this really all you can do? Wait for people to show up just so you can molest them? You're pathetic." He started.

Hidan bared his fangs. "Excuse me, bitch? You were the one who wandered into a dangerous forest and then got captured by humans. And here you are getting captured again."

"It took two humans to capture me and they only did so because they drugged me. But you had to hide under cover and then strike." Kakuzu retorted. "Probably because your loud mouth gave everything away before you actually did anything." He said smugly in reference to Hidan's howling.

"Don't f*ck with me, old man." Hidan snarled. "I've killed more humans than you can possibly count."

"With what? Your amateur magic?" Kakuzu said with a smirk. He could feel Hidan's hands shaking. Good. If he pushed him a little more, he could probably manage to turn the tides again. Looks like getting the mutt worked up was a simple challenge.

"Keep talking, Kakuzu." Hidan said as he clawed into Kakuzu's shoulder blade. "And just see where it will get you."

Kakuzu winced, but he continued on. "What it will get me? Is that supposed to make me feel something? You're nothing more than a flea-ridden mongrel with no connections, no skills, and you're average at sex at best." He scoffed. And no, he wasn't going to acknowledge he might be wrong at that last point. "You're a failure and a disgrace to beastkind. You have nothing. You are nothing." He glared at Hidan over his shoulder. "And I'm not afraid of you."

A low rumble sounded from Hidan's throat as the fur on his ears and tail frizzed up. "You should be." The pupils in Hidan's eyes then turned into vertical slits, like that of a snake.

'What?' Kakuzu was taken aback by what he was seeing. He suddenly felt cold as if all of his blood were being drawn from his body at once.

Hidan leaned down. He brought his mouth to Kakuzu's ear and changed the tone of his voice. “You’re my bitch, you’re in my territory, and I’m going to feast on you as much as I want.” He growled. "You f*cking cow." When he felt Kakuzu tense up beneath him, he smirked. He grabbed the hem of Kakuzu's pants and started to pull them down. When Kakuzu dared to try and fight him again, the cowbell just rang once more and shocked him. "That's right. Squirm, old man." Hidan laughed. "I'm not letting you get away." He leaned down and pressed his lips between the space of Kakuzu's shoulder blades. And shortly after that, the forest clearing was filled with bestial moans and growls.

~:. 𓄀 .:~

Kakuzu continued to make many repeated attempts at escape. But no matter what he was always caught by Hidan, f*cked harder each time, and dragged back. The f*cker was seriously too damn fast, too damn smug, and too damn strong for his own good. Everything Kakuzu thought he knew about wolfmen was quickly turning into a lie. Normally they were aloof, cautious, and slender. But Hidan looked and acted like the complete opposite. He was muscular, loud, and instigative. Kakuzu had hoped that hurting Hidan's ego might have been enough to give him an edge, but no. All it did was get Hidan twice as worked up and three times as horny. It was like some kind of twisted switch flipped in his head and the mutt was swooning over it.

Not to mention Hidan also had incredible adrenaline, especially when he was on the hunt or in combat. Kakuzu started to realize that even his attempts to run away was a game for Hidan. He started giving him a head start, making Kakuzu think he was getting away, only for Hidan to pounce on him more times than he could count. It was just a game of cat and mouse. Hidan was the predator and he was the prey. Not just that, but Kakuzu's ass was seriously starting to get sore. His nipples were also seeing their fair share of abuse, as Hidan made sure to keep sucking out his milk. Well, at least his pecs weren't as perky and tender as they used to be. 'Tch.' Kakuzu hated that he was getting some relief in the long run; it was perverted and abhorrent.

Kakuzu sighed as he remained seated on the bed in Hidan's den. It had been a few days since his last escape attempt. He glared at Hidan who was currently paying him no mind and chopping up vegetables on the counter. His tail swished behind him as he worked. Along with his black leather pants, Hidan also wore a curious silver necklace with a pendant in the same design as the glyph Kakuzu saw in the closet. He still couldn't figure out what it meant.

Hidan would also don a black leather jacket with white fur trimmed around the collar when it was cold or raining. Seriously, what was with this damn dog and leather?! And as if his fashion sense weren't awful enough, there was also his cooking. He watched as Hidan took the cut up vegetables and herbs and tossed them all into the pot stewing above the fireplace. A sizzling noise was heard as the pot began to fizz and overflow. Black smoke plumed out of it for a moment before Hidan covered it with a lid.

Hidan couldn't cook. He was terrible at it. Actually, Kakuzu was certain that he shouldn't even be allowed near a stove. Many times Hidan cooked and then offered a bowl of whatever censored sludge to Kakuzu, only for the bull to adamantly refuse. He'd knock it out of Hidan's hands or simply show disinterest. At first Hidan didn't force him to eat if he didn't want to. But after the fourth day when Kakuzu's stomach audibly growled, Hidan forced him to eat. And Kakuzu never thought he'd say this, but Hidan's cum tasted better than his food. That said, Kakuzu settled for just eating boiled potatoes and plain apples with water. He didn't know exactly what Hidan was attempting to make right now, but he wasn't going near it. He had his fill of raw fruit and vegetables and that was enough.

Kakuzu huffed. The last thing he found absolutely irritating yet also interesting about Hidan was his body. As previously mentioned, wolfmen usually weren't so... built. But Hidan was a different breed. His abs were solid and held their form, he had a muscular chest - which never had a shirt on by the way - and his arms and legs were also quite reformed. Whenever his back was turned, Kakuzu would catch a glimpse at Hidan's bare neck and shoulder blades. The way his muscles bulged and contorted when he moved in such sleek and elegant ways was something to behold.

Kakuzu actually found it hard to believe that Hidan was without a mate. Especially considering his admittedly impressive co*ck. His knot was the sole reason Kakuzu was sitting the way he was right now. But Kakuzu supposed he couldn't judge anyone for not having a suitable mate. He himself had yet to settle down, but he was quite past his prime. He had hoped that his age would make him undesirable as a slave or breeding stock. But he was wrong. He then sighed as he thought about the reason he was in this situation to begin with. He balled his fist in anger. He shouldn't have been so trusting.

While Kakuzu was lost in his thoughts, Hidan took the opportunity to hop on the bed and grope his chest again. He ignored the glare he was given before raising the man's shirt and latching onto one of his nipples. "Mm..."

Kakuzu frowned in disbelief and hit him on the head. "Don't just drink from me whenever you like, mutt!"

"C'mon, gimme some milk, old man." Hidan begged as he wagged his tail.

Kakuzu sighed. "There's hardly any left."

"...would be if you'd eat more." Hidan murmured.

Kakuzu's ears flickered. "If your cooking wasn't indigestible, I would."

Then again, why was Hidan so obsessed with making Kakuzu eat and keeping him alive? Shouldn't he literally be doing the exact opposite? Or was he holding out for winter or something? That was another thing Kakuzu couldn't understand. Hidan seemed intent on keeping him hostage. Was he just his new plaything until he got bored and then he would kill him? If so, that made the most sense.

Hidan moved away from Kakuzu's chest and began to nuzzle into his neck. He inhaled his earthy, musky scent and then licked him. Kakuzu decided that was enough unwanted physical contact and shoved him off the bed.

"Hey!" Hidan growled. "You know, that is my bed."

But Kakuzu just continued to glare at him. If he wanted his precious bed back, he could fight him for it. He refused to move and went back to his own thoughts. He seriously needed to devise a better plan of escape. He pulled his shirt back down and ignored the sensitive feeling of the fabric brushing over his nipples. "Hey, mutt..." He started to speak, "Why are you keeping me hostage? Don't you have plenty of food and resources?" Kakuzu wanted to at least try and see what answer Hidan would come up with.

"Why? Do you have some place to be?" Hidan asked. "Like a family or something?"

"I have no such thing." Kakuzu scoffed. Then he realized what he just said and frowned at the grin Hidan was giving him. "Tch. It doesn't matter. The fact is, I don't want to be here." He iterated. "I have things to do that are more valuable to my time than spending it with a fleabag."

"Right. But you beg for this fleabag's knot-"

Kakuzu shifted on the bed and threw a stray potato at Hidan. He luckily dodged. Kakuzu then folded his arms across his chest with irritation. It was obvious he wasn't going to get any actual answers from Hidan. Even just having a conversation with him was treated like it was a game. He closed his eyes as he went back to the confines of his mind.

"…can't you just stay here?" Hidan asked quietly.

Kakuzu only acknowledged him with a flicker of his ear but did not respond.

"I mean, you won't have to deal with humans in the forest. And you won't be captured again and-"

"I won't be captured again." Kakuzu grumbled. "What happened to me was... a lack of judgement. I let my guard down and it lead to a consequence." He stated. "I would have been fine on my own."

"No." Hidan stood up. "You would have been sold off. Or killed. Or..." He balled his fist. "Why were you working with them to begin with? Are you crazy?"

Kakuzu looked at him. "Why do you care? Is everything you've done to me any different than how a human might treat me?"

"Uhh, yeah?" Hidan answered incredulously. He started counting on his hand."You have shelter, you have food that you wont eat, there are no humans, and you're also really hot."

Kakuzu rose a brow. "Right..." What did his attractiveness have to do with any of that? "Problem: I'm still stuck with you."

"Yeah!" Hidan beamed. "That's the best part!" His tail wagged again.

Kakuzu just sighed. Surely wolfmen were not this stupid. He decided to make his point very clear. "I was perfectly fine living my own life, doing my own crimes, and earning my own keep."

" don't have to be fine with it." Hidan muttered with his ears pinning back. It looked like he wanted to say something else but fell just short of actually saying it.

Kakuzu shook his head. Then his vision focused on the pot which was beginning to overflow and catch fire. "So about this shelter... looks like you wont have one soon." He pointed.

Hidan turned around. "sh*t!" He quickly darted over to the pot and grabbed a bucket of water to throw on it. Then he pulled it off the fire and opened the lid. A plume of black smoke filled the air and Hidan coughed as he looked at the burned remains in the pot. His tail was limp and his ears were pinned back dejectedly.

'Are you serious?' Kakuzu couldn't believe that Hidan was making such an expression. Surely he knew that his cooking abilities were sh*t, right? And it wasn't like he couldn't go back outside to collect more vegetables and herbs. Actually, Kakuzu was starting to wonder how Hidan maintained his physical form with such a lean diet anyway. Wolves were omnivorous, but they can't subsist on plants and fruit alone. Well, it didn't really concern Kakuzu. Or at least it wasn't going to until he heard Hidan whine again. "Shut it, mutt." He grumbled.

"You shut up!" Hidan barked. Then he sighed. "I have to wait until morning to forage again. Since I'm sure you wont eat this."

"Of course I'm not going to eat that. I don't plan on eating anything you cook. Get it through your head already."

Hidan looked at Kakuzu and set the pot down. "Fine. Then you don't have to."

"...?" Kakuzu didn't quite like the change in demeanor from Hidan as he looked at him. Was he really going to drop the argument just like that? No, apparently not. Because Hidan started making his way towards him again. Kakuzu tensed up, anticipating whatever antics Hidan was going to do and got ready to defend himself. When Hidan pounced on him, he leaned back and blocked him with his arms. But Hidan just grabbed him and tried to shove him down to the bed. Kakuzu resisted, pushing back against Hidan until both of them were wrestling one another for dominance.

Then Hidan smirked. The cowbell around Kakuzu's neck suddenly rattled on its own again. Kakuzu stopped what he was doing and flinched, anticipating the bell to shock him. And that's when Hidan used that distraction to finally push him down.

"Gotcha!" Hidan grinned.

"Have to resort to petty tricks in order to win?" Kakuzu scoffed.

"Don't you like my tricks, old man?" After saying that, Hidan stood up on his knees and straddled Kakuzu's torso. Then he started to grope Kakuzu's chest again. He massaged them intimately until milk began to seep out and stain the fabric. "Goddamn, I love your tit*." He said. He slid the shirt up and began to play with Kakuzu's nipple rings, flipping them up and down while fiddling his fingers. Then he pinched one of Kakuzu's nipples and pulled it.

Kakuzu squirmed and his face reddened. "Are you never satisfied, mutt?!" He could feel that familiar tingly sensation starting to return to his chest and loins. Even his co*ck was already reacting. Damn it, he wasn't ever this sensitive until recently.

"slu*t." Hidan smirked. "I bet you play with your tit* all the time. You ever squeeze the milk out yourself? I bet you like being watched while doing it." He jested as he continued to flick both of Kakuzu's nipples until they were stiff and erect.

Kakuzu bit his tongue to try and stifle a moan. "Damn pervert..." He muttered. Of course he milked himself, but that wasn't for Hidan to know. However, something about Hidan's words were bringing more heat rather than disgust to Kakuzu's body. Why did it feel better when Hidan milked and groped him than when he did it? Kakuzu brought his hands up to grab Hidan's thighs and dug his fingernails into them as the male continued to fondle him. He was debating just throwing Hidan off and accepting whatever shock or punishment he'd get for it. But eventually he started to loosen his grip as he began to melt from Hidan's relentless touching.

Before Kakuzu could give another retort, Hidan suddenly reached out and pulled the rest of Kakuzu's shirt off over his head. Then he thumbed open the button of his leather pants and dove his hand inside to pull out his co*ck. He spread his thighs and started stroking himself, right on top of Kakuzu's chest. "Don't wanna eat my cooking? Fine. I'll give you something else." Hidan smacked his co*ck right in between Kakuzu's pecs. Then he squeezed them together, which made milk dribble out onto his hands.

Kakuzu's eyes glanced up at Hidan. "You wouldn't dare."

Without answering, Hidan started to move his hips. When he felt Kakuzu's hands at his thighs and his fingernails claw into him, Hidan clicked his tongue. "Don't act as if you hate it." Hidan flicked his tail over the bulge in Kakuzu's pants.

Kakuzu grimaced and tried not to react to the fleeting feeling. There was just the slightest bit of arousal that came from him when he felt that teasing brush over his co*ck from Hidan's tail. He seriously wished that the pants he was wearing weren't so damn tight. It was both stimulating and frustrating. On top of that, he had to deal with the friction of Hidan pleasuring himself between his pecs. He watched as Hidan's co*ck kept thrusting at a hasty rhythm. Every now and then, the head of his co*ck would bump against the bell or the bottom of his chin. Kakuzu just made an annoyed look.

Past Your Eyes - hidanizm (8)

But seeing that face just made Hidan even more excited. Hidan started gyrating his hips next, pushing the head and glans of his co*ck into Kakuzu's firm pecs. They were so hot and slippery now thanks to the milk and precum. Kakuzu was already starting to look like a mess and Hidan wasn't even close to cumming yet. Everything about the man was just so damn pleasurable. Hidan stopped thrusting and grabbed the base of his co*ck. He pressed the tip of his dick into one of Kakuzu's pierced nipples and started to give himself stimulation from it as he repeatedly rubbed against the hard nub.

Kakuzu grit his teeth as a dark mahogany blush stained his face. The whole thing was lewd, and he couldn't believe that both he and Hidan were deriving pleasure from it. But he still didn't stop it. It actually felt pretty good. Hidan continued to stimulate the tip of his co*ck with Kakuzu's nipple. He kept sliding his co*ck back and fourth, which also caused the frenum piercing to rub over Kakuzu's nipple ring as well. Every now and then, there were small metallic noises that sounded whenever both of their piercings clinked against each other.

Another tingling feeling was coursing through Kakuzu's chest. He didn't know why he liked it so much. Before even realizing it, his hand was clutching at the bulge in his own pants. He felt Hidan's tail lightly flitter over the back of his hand, as if he were encouraging him. f*ck it. Kakuzu gave in and took out his co*ck.

"See? You're totally into it~"

"Shut up." Kakuzu grimaced.

He tried to ignore the smug look Hidan was giving him and went back to focusing on the current situation. Kakuzu's hand enclosed tightly around his thick co*ck. His fingers wrapped around the base, just below the tip, and started to stroke at a slow pace until he worked out enough precum to slick himself. He liked the slow, gradual buildup to pleasure when he stroked himself. And coupled with his chest being played with only heightened that pleasure. Mostly because Kakuzu didn't have to do it on his own. Hidan's hands were working his chest so he only needed to focus on his lower half.

Kakuzu secretly wished he could always have this as an option. But hardly anyone wanted to be mates with a cow or bull. It came with too many extra needs with not enough rewards. An aspect of himself that Kakuzu grew to hate. So to be treated like this, he still couldn't properly grasp it. All he could do was savor it for now. Besides, Hidan would get bored eventually. They always do.

Hidan stopped grinding against Kakuzu's nipple and refocused his attention back to groping him. For as much as Kakuzu seemed to hate it, he seemed to like it, too. Hidan was really starting to become fond of those infuriated looks and motions. If anything, they told him all he needed to know about what Kakuzu was feeling. If Kakuzu slightly shifted his body, it was because he wanted Hidan to focus on a certain spot. If he went quiet and his tail started to flick anxiously, it meant he was really into it. His body language was so sexy. Hidan would take mental notes about every little thing from Kakuzu. Like right now, how he was breathing harder in an attempt to hide his voice. That was hot.

Hidan lived for every reaction he pulled out of Kakuzu. He squeezed his chest tight again and thrust his co*ck between Kakuzu's taut pecs. They felt incredible. So hot and firm and amazing to squish between his fingers. f*ck, how was the man crafted so wonderfully? He could touch and f*ck these milky tit* all day.

When Hidan picked up the rhythm of his hips, the bell on Kakuzu's choker started to jingle more in response to their motions. It was a sound that both of the beastmen had gotten used to by now. Anytime it began to ring haphazardly, it was a sure sign that some kind of intimate act was happening between them. A sign of two men completely endowed in raw heat and ecstasy. No matter how f*cked up that ecstasy was. Kakuzu began stroking himself faster; hot puffs of his breath tickled Hidan's already sensitive co*ck which made the male squeeze his chest more. As a matter of fact, Kakuzu could feel the knot forming at the base of Hidan's co*ck.

Hidan's eyes were closed as he continued to thrust himself between Kakuzu's pecs. He squeezed the length of his co*ck between Kakuzu's chest and each time he drew his hips back, he would press down roughly to put more focus and pressure on the glans when he thrust back up. Precum continued to spill out of the slit, mixing in with the sexy, musky scent of Kakuzu's sweat which made his dark skin gleam. Kakuzu didn't seem to mind this roughness. In fact it looked like it only spurred him on more. He could feel it when Kakuzu arched his back off the bed just a little bit, as if he were trying to reach for more of that stimulation. And Hidan would give it to him.

He clawed his nails into Kakuzu's pecs, which were leaving behind red scratches at this point. They probably stung, but Kakuzu didn't complain. At one point Hidan drew his hips all the way back, and then thrust forward hard, squishing Kakuzu's pecs with enough force to make spurts of milk squirt into the air.

Kakuzu tossed his head on the bed at the action. He was completely powerless to stop the loud, gruff moan that sounded from his throat. He was panting even more now. His long, silky tresses of hair were beginning to stick to his face from all the sweat and moisture on his skin. His hand started to move faster, jerking himself off to a hastened pace just so he could keep up with that one rush of pleasure he just got. He wanted Hidan to do it again, but resisted the urge to plead for it. However, maybe it was his body language or his luck, because Hidan ended up doing it again regardless. "f*ck!" Kakuzu moaned louder. It wasn't just his milk anymore; his very voice was being stolen from him now, too.

Hidan looped one of his long nails under Kakuzu's nipple ring and pulled it. He watched as Kakuzu shut his eyes and delighted in the feeling. Hidan kept moving his hips and kept his finger outstretched so that it would continue to stretch his nipple lewdly. It was so indelicate and whorish the way Kakuzu responded that Hidan became completely enamored. Before he knew it, his climax was already starting to surface. He thrust between Kakuzu's pecs a few more times, some rougher than others, until he had the man shaking beneath him. His nipples were swollen and slightly puffy. When he clawed into Kakuzu's chest and gave him another hard thrust, right up to his chin, Kakuzu trembled.

"Yes!" Kakuzu puffed out, mouth hanging open as he frantically rubbed the head of his co*ck. Thick strands of cum shot out of the tip, coating his stomach and some spots of Hidan's tail. He continued to move his hand, wringing out every bit of cum and pleasure he could from his org*sm until his arm grew weary. His eyes were half-lidded and his face was flushed as he let out ragged breaths. His tufted tail was twitching on the lilac bedsheets.

'Goddamn it.' Hidan swore inside his head. Before he knew it, he was grabbing his own co*ck and jerking himself off to the sight of Kakuzu's lecherous face. To see him grasped by the throes of org*sm while having his chest abused sent Hidan into a heated headspace of his own. He just couldn't believe how sensitive and how f*cking sexy the man beneath him was. The next thing he knew, he was standing up on his knees with one of Kakuzu's horns in his hand. He made Kakuzu look down with his co*ck aimed at his mouth. "Drink it, you slu*t!" Hidan growled, feverishly jerking off the tip of his co*ck before he stopped and shoved it into Kakuzu's mouth.

Kakuzu's lips loosely closed around the head of Hidan's co*ck. He rubbed his tongue against the piercing and that sent Hidan into a half-howl, half-moan as he came.

"Fuuuck!" Hidan squeezed his knot at the base of his co*ck as it throbbed and shot sem*n into Kakuzu's mouth. He brought Kakuzu's head forward more by yanking his horn. His body was quivering and he didn't hear a single protest come from Kakuzu as he continued to shoot his load. He kept squeezing his knot, prolonging his org*sm and swearing that he must have cum a second time when he shuddered. He filled Kakuzu's mouth with his cum, and when he finally pulled out, he watched as Kakuzu swallowed. 'Holy sh*t.' He didn't think the man actually would; he thought for sure Kakuzu would spit it out in defiance. He really was a whor*.

"Like my cum that much?" Hidan teased.

"Sh-shut up. It's not my fault your cooking is trash."

"Is that code for you liking my cum more than my cooking, or are you just being bashful?"

Kakuzu frowned at him. He was not going to answer.

Hidan just chuckled lightly and finally moved off of Kakuzu's chest. He was still hard and would have loved to give Kakuzu a second helping, but decided to go easy on him tonight. He really was getting worried about him not eating though. Tomorrow he definitely planned to find something that Kakuzu would really like. Hidan was determined to make something really good that not even Kakuzu would turn his nose up to.

Hidan lied beside Kakuzu and started to lick his chest. Kakuzu shivered a bit in response. Either the feeling was ticklish or he was sensitive from everything that had just transpired. Nonetheless, Hidan licked his tongue over Kakuzu's nipples and chest, cleaning his skin of the milk and precum left behind. There was the taste of salt from his sweat as well, but Hidan didn't mind. He trailed down lower to his stomach to lick up the cum that was there as well. Kakuzu just stayed quiet during it, letting Hidan do what he wanted. He must have been too tired to bother. He usually hated it when Hidan tried to groom him or clean him. Once Hidan was finished, he brought his face back up to Kakuzu's head. He nipped his ear, which made it flitter and hit him in the face. Hidan just grinned contently.

"...are you finished?" Kakuzu asked with a quiet grumble.

"Yeah." Hidan said. He watched as Kakuzu finally sat up and got out of bed to don a washcloth. He dipped it into a bucket of water Hidan had sitting off to the side and then wiped himself down. It wasn't that he didn't appreciate Hidan's grooming - because he didn't - it was just that he didn't want to feel sticky with his scent all over him. Once he finished wiping himself down, he returned to the bed. He turned his back to Hidan and lied on his side.

"Going to sleep already?" Hidan asked. When Kakuzu didn't respond, he sighed. He stared at Kakuzu's backside, counting each of the scars that marred his skin. He wondered what the story was behind all of them. Or if it was an indicator of how hard Kakuzu's life must have been. Hidan brought his forehead to rest against Kakuzu's back and closed his eyes. He resisted the urge to wrap his arms around him. Before long, Hidan was drifting away.

Kakuzu continued to rest on the bed until he felt the slight shift in temperature from night turning to day. Truthfully, he was carefully plotting his next escape. He forced himself to go in and out of consciousness throughout the night. See, Kakuzu had learned a few more things about Hidan. Which included his sleep patterns. Hidan seemed to be a bit restless at night. He would move around or kick in his sleep, sometimes even whimper. But during the day or early morning, he was far more peaceful at rest. Why was this important? Because it meant that right at the crack of dawn was Kakuzu's best chance at getting away. Wolfmen were a nocturnal species after all, so it only made sense. Hidan must have been fighting to keep himself on a similar schedule as Kakuzu so that he could keep an eye on him. It was only a matter of time before he got too comfortable and gave Kakuzu the opening he needed.

Kakuzu clutched the cowbell around his neck and quietly sat up in the bed. He looked over his shoulder at Hidan. The male was snoring lightly with his eyes closed. There was even a bit of drool dripping from the corner of his mouth. He didn't shift nor give any indication that he was aware of Kakuzu's sudden movement. He must be deep in sleep now. Good. Kakuzu slowly brought his legs to the side of the bed and then stood up. He was grateful that the floors were covered in soft moss because it drowned out the sound of his footsteps as he made his way toward the door. Somehow, it didn't creak when he opened it. He ascended the stairs.

The cellar-like door, however, did creak when he opened it. Now, Kakuzu didn't know how good Hidan's hearing was, but he wasn't going to risk finding out. As soon as he stepped outside, Kakuzu initiated the second phase of his plan. And it was a plan that he was confident would work. If Hidan did hear the door or even was faking being asleep, Kakuzu knew that he would give him a head start. Because the mongrel liked toying with him.

So Kakuzu was going to do something different. He was going to go the opposite direction and head deeper into the forest rather than trying to escape. Hidan wouldn't suspect him to do this as it was completely out of the norm. Hidan's territory must only be so big that if Kakuzu managed to go deep enough, Hidan would lose track of him or give up entirely. It wasn't fool-proof, and definitely not the wisest plan because Kakuzu didn't know what else was lurking out here, but it was the best solution he could come up with. All he needed to do was hide out for a little while until it was safe.

Kakuzu marched through the forest. As he strayed further and further away from Hidan's den, sunlight from the dawn started to light up the trees and foliage around him. It would have been better if he could do this a little earlier so that he could rely on the darkness to stay concealed, but it couldn't be helped. Eventually he came across a small, shallow stream. This was perfect he thought. If he crossed it, his scent would be lost. And it didn't look too deep either. Feeling even more confident about his plan, Kakuzu waded through the stream. The water only came up to his ankles so he didn't worry about his pants getting wet too much. Once he was on the other side, he quickly darted into the trees. All this would be for naught if he were spotted.

However, once Kakuzu found himself on the other side, the imagery and biology of the flora started to change. The ground beneath his feet also felt kind of slippery. He cautiously kept his hands held out as he walked past glowing flowers which had pink and blue sparkling pollen floating in the air. Interesting. He had never seen plants such as this before. And he was starting to feel... strange. Almost uneased. When he heard something move, he quickly turned around. Had Hidan already managed to find him? No. He would have heard him splashing through the stream if so. There was something else out here. He could sense it, but he couldn't smell it. What was it?

When Kakuzu again heard a small rustle, he tried to cautiously move, but something grabbed him by the ankle. 'What?!' When he looked down, all he saw was a flash of blue before he was yanked backwards. He tried to claw into the ground or grab a branch or anything, but everything was weirdly slippery. His hands were covered in this light, sticky film. When he tried to grab at the thing wrapped around his ankle, it just tightened its grip and then crept up his leg. "Let go!" He growled.

But the thing didn't seem phased. And before Kakuzu knew it, those same sounds that he heard before were coming from all directions in this strange part of the forest. Except, they sounded moist and repulsive. Strange blue, tentacle like beings slithered seemingly out of nowhere and grabbed hold of Kakuzu at different parts of his body. He tried to use his brute strength to tear them away, but more just appeared. Before he knew it, he was helpless and alone as the mass of tentacles began to subdue him. Now he was no longer a wolf's prey, but a monster's.

Past Your Eyes - hidanizm (2024)


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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.